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Hiwot Agricultural Mechanization PLC

Accommodation/ Lodging


Mekelle, tg
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Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 09:00 - 17:00

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About: Hiwot Agricultural Mechanization PLC is a(n) Accommodation/ Lodging in Mekelle, tg


The company operates two farms and one ginning factory in Humera and Tsegede Woredas in the western part of Tigray Regional State. It also has a farm area for Animal development located in Rawyan which was formerly given to Abergelle International Livestock Development PLC.
The company's total area developed and cultivated since its establishment is;
Kebabo Farm: 2400 ha.
Banat Farm: 3096 ha.
Niguara Farm: 2382 ha.

Hiwot Agricultural Mechanization PLC
Print Email Details Category: Agro Processing Published: 27 July 2014
Established in 1992 to engage in commercial farming and provide machinery rental services for farmers in Tigray.

The company operates two farms and one ginning factory in Humera and Tsegede Woredas in the western part of Tigray Regional State. It also has a farm area for Animal development located in Rawyan which was formerly given to Abergelle International Livestock Development PLC.
The company's total area developed and cultivated since its establishment is;
Kebabo Farm: 2400 ha.
Banat Farm: 3096 ha.
Niguara Farm: 2382 ha.

The ginning plant which became operational in 1997 can produce 300,000 quintal of raw cotton per year. Currently the three most important crops under cultivation are Sesame, cotton and sorghum. Sesame is the most widely cultivated crop followed by cotton. The production and outgrowing of cotton is becoming more important to strengthen the supply of cotton to the Almeda Textile and Garment Factory.

The company was also established to give workshops, market and extension services to farmers in order to achieve sustainable development in the region.
The company has started modern irrigation systems in Kebabo and its future projects include Oil mill and livestock, vegetable and fruits production and processing, pulses production and flowers and house plants production.

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